who wrote immigrants (we get the job done)

The multiple American flags that we see at different stages of completion embody a profound irony; they are items to be consumed by Americans as an outward sign of their patriotism, but they have been produced precisely by the hands of individuals who are not accepted as part of the social fabric of this nation because of their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or citizenship status. Yet, while they remain symbolically excluded from the US social imaginary, their labor and sacrifice render them integral to the foundation and continuing survival of this nation.Following this logic, the video highlights a multitude of faces of all walks of life. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Accompanying his powerful lyrics are a series of scenes of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents knocking on doors and violently apprehending some of the workers while they’re sleeping.

We see maids, nannies and nurses, that is, we see those who usually remain hidden from view—the invisibles—performing the tasks that allow the country to move forward.Right before we hear Rizwan “Riz” Ahmed, an English rapper and actor of Pakistani descent, sing his lines, a scene of warfare interrupts the song.

Do you know who they wrote them about?A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs

When Puerto Rican rapper and writer Residente (born René Pérez Joglar) sings the last verses of the song—in Spanish—we are reminded that the Spanish language was spoken in what is now US territory even prior to this country’s founding, along with indigenous languages. "Shows like Dawson's Creek, Grey's Anatomy and Buffy the Vampire Slayer changed the way songs were heard on TV, and produced some hits in the process. The video humanizes the invisible faces of war, and offers a message of compassion and solidarity toward those who are most vulnerable. The trains circling the globe in the last scene remind us that migration is universal and eternal. Lin-Manuel Miranda and his production team, K’naan, Snow Tha Product, Riz MC, and Residente, have given us a chance to reflect on who we are as a nation, who we want to be, and how we want to be remembered by future generations. It was performed by K'naan, Snow Tha Product, Riz MC (Riz Ahmed) and Residente.

The train crosses borders and it becomes a metaphor for the nation that is constantly moving forward, propelled by a force greater than itself. Diversity is the strength of this nation, the video suggests. Many remain trapped, invisible, inside its cargo wagons, living in overcrowded and poor conditions. Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote in a Snow tha product's line about immigrants being "America's ghostwriters" is the song's all-embracing theme. Since its release in December 2016, its impact is still very present. Less than a week before the 4th of July festivities, Lin-Manuel Miranda dropped the first video for Most of the video is filmed inside a train and each car tells a different chapter of the immigrant experience. Given the highly anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, and anti-Islam sentiments that characterize our government and society today, we would do well to remember the constant threats that millions of people face worldwide due to war, terrorism, state violence, and other forms of violence. ©2020 Verizon Media. But the train-nation is divided; not all of its passengers can look out the window. During the development of the musical production, Miranda frequently communicated that a "mixtape" of select songs from the show's score was being recorded. Each rapper featured has ties to different countries, having immigrated from Somalia, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Pakistan respectively.The song was dropped within days of the 2016 Presidential election results.

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