art and design secondary school curriculum

The Art curriculum is critical and contextual at its core. Minister reveals concerns about KS3 curriculum and says DfE is looking to improve content of music, art, drama and dance. A broad curriculum offers all pupils a wide range of subjects for as long as possible. Inspectors will judge the school curriculum – within “quality of education” – under three headings: curriculum intent, curriculum implementation, and curriculum impact. The regulatory standards for independent schools provide a useful way of thinking about breadth. Art and design. massaged – data). The Art, Design and Technology Faculty aims to nurture skills, creativity and develop pupils’ problem-solving ability. Way-points should pinpoint the specific knowledge and skills upon which pupils’ progress to the next level of study in any subject is contingent. everything going on in primary education.
The Upper Secondary D&T curriculum focuses largely on skills that would prepare them to handle the coursework component of the national examinations. Here, it is important to build a joined-up, progressive subject curriculum which builds on what has gone before and prepares pupils for what comes next. A self-initiated assignment (NEA) carries 50% of the marks for this qualification and students are encouraged to work with industry professionals where possible to support industrial development and understanding of their concepts. They well also learn the theory aspects of materials and processes, designer influences and sustainability to name a few. Narrowing the curriculum for less able pupils clearly runs counter to this definition of breadth. The remaining 40% is an externally set paper which includes around 12 weeks of preparation time and a 15-hour exam, where pupils will develop a final collection or final piece in response to a topic. Way-points and end-points can be used as learning objectives and also as a means of assessing pupils’ progress, particularly in the absence of national curriculum levels in key stage 3.Inspectors will also want to see evidence that each subject’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards those defined way-points and end-points.

A balanced curriculum, meanwhile, might be regarded as one in which each subject is not only taught to all pupils but is afforded sufficient space on the timetable to deliver its distinct contribution. Pupils study Food for a term across Key Stage 3 and this supports understanding of health, balanced diets and also enables them to develop a range of cooking skills. We encourage innovation and develop pupil’s skills in all areas of Art, Design, Technology and Food through a range of units and pathways. Artists, craftspeople and designers are used to underpin practical tasks to support, develop and allow students to question.
The new Ofsted inspection framework will see a focus on the breadth of a school’s curriculum offer, including its ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’.

In Design and Technology, pupils will experience an iterative design and making process though working with a range of timbers, metals, polymers and fabrics. This material is protected by MA Education Limited copyright. These end-points, the foundational knowledge on which our curriculum is built, may be derived from the assessment objectives or learning outcomes for that subject as defined by Ofqual and awarding bodies, or may be the key concepts that the teachers of that subject deem most important. Pupil achievement will also be assessed using progression and destinations data, recognising that good outcomes are not just measured in qualifications but in how successfully pupils are developed as well-rounded citizens.Here, the questions to ask are: what knowledge and skills do pupils gain at each stage and over time and how does this compare to expectations?The purpose of the new framework is to tackle social justice issues – ensuring that all pupils, no matter their starting points, backgrounds and individual needs, are afforded the same ambitious curriculum and an equal chance to succeed. As well as being clearly sequenced and building towards a clear end-point, Ofsted says that the curriculum should also address typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills. If the latter, the question to ask is: what do we want our pupils to remember about our subject in 10 years’ time that will be useful to them? Studying Hospitality and Catering, supports pupils who wish to enter careers in food and nutrition, catering or hotel management. The scheme of work builds in associated theory work relating to topics such as designer laws, smart technologies, green issues and design history. The Visual arts curriculum is for children from junior infants to sixth class. They will further develop CAD skills, including 2D Design and the web / app-based software Fusion360 for 3D printing.

These skills and experiences enable pupils to later direct their own learning through independent projects. The coursework component consists of the Design Journal, Presentation Boards and Artefact and it takes up 70% of the total score for the subject. We encourage innovation and develop pupil’s skills in all areas of Art, Design, Technology and Food through a range of units and pathways. The new framework is also designed to address concerns around the narrowing of the curriculum (the focusing of timetables on SATs and GCSE subjects at the expense of a broad and balanced curriculum) and teaching to the test (focusing on passing tests rather than on acquiring the knowledge and skills that will be meaningful to pupils in life and the world of work).Chief inspector Amanda Spielman has been clear since she came to office that she wants Ofsted to be a force for good, promoting the real substance of education and ending poor practices such as off-rolling.So, what are the implications of the new EIF on curriculum design? Other units develop skills and techniques by responding to set briefs, as well as pupils having the opportunity to build their own portfolio of work and present these to peers and professionals.

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